
Showing posts from October, 2019

Lilly Lutz Blog #14

Today in class we started Unit 2, which is Introduction to Population. We learned about where the worlds population is distributed. We also defined Population, Demography and key demographic indicators. Lastly, we identified and tracked population statistics between nations. Population refers to the size and distribution of the Earth's human population. Demography is a social science which entails the statistical study of human populations. There is 1 birth in the United States every 8 seconds and 1 death every 11 seconds. China has the largest population with 1.39 billion. The U.S. has the 3rd largest population with 325.72 million people. The United States has a steady increase, which shows that the US is developing at a good rate, while places like Germany, Denmark and France have a negative rate and there population is decreasing. Key demographic indicators: Rate of Natural Increase (RNI) : a statistic that expressed a country or region’s annual growth rate; expresse

Lilly Lutz Blog #13

Today in class we learned about Globalization and Cultural Diffusion. We described the 5 types of Cultural Diffusion that occur and defined what Cultural Diffusion is. We also identified what the Columbian Exchange was and modern examples of Diffusion. Cultural Diffusion is the process of spreading cultural traits from our region to another. Five types of Cultural Diffusion: 1. Expansion diffusion- an innovation or idea that develops in a source area and remaining strong there, while also spreading outward to other areas. This can include hierarchical, stimulus, and contagious diffusion. 2. Relocation Diffusion- an innovation or idea that migrates into new areas leaving behind its origin or source of the cultural trait. 3. Hierarchical Diffusion- an idea or innovation that spreads by moving from larger to smaller places, often with little regard to the distance between places, and often influenced by social elites. 4. Contagious Diffusion- an idea or innovation that spreads bas

Lilly Lutz Blog #12

1. Russia, 2. Finland, 3. Estonia, 4. Belarus, 5. Latvia, 6. Lithuania, 7. Ukraine, 8. Moldova, 9. Norway, 10. Sweden, 11. Denmark, 12, Poland, 13. Czech Republic, 14. Slovakia, 15. Romania, 16. Bulgaria, 17. Turkey. 18. Cyprus, 19. Germany, 20. Austria, 21. Hungary, 22. Serbia, 23. Kos., 24. Macedonia, 25. Greece, 26. Slovenia, 27. Croatia, 28. Bosnia, 29. Mont., 30. Albania, 31. Iceland, 32. Holland, 33. Belgium, 34. Switzerland, 35. San Marino, 36. Italy, 37. Vatican City State, 38. Malta, 39. Ireland, 40. United Kingdom, 41. Luxembourg, 42. Liechtenstein  , 43. France, 44. Monaco, 45. Andorra, 46. Portugal, 47. France

Lilly Lutz Blog #11

Today in class we learned about Globalization. We defined globalization, we identified and described  facilitators of globalization and we understood our personal connections to the global process. Globalization is  the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. As a phenomenon, globalization is considered by some as a form of capitalist expansion which entails the connection of local and national economies into a global, unregulated market economy.  Facilitators of globalization is beneficial for economic growth and standards of living.  Globalization is a process that is difficult to define sometimes and it can be hard to understand. We can think about things that we use the most and identify the places, and also the people, around the world that we are unknowingly connected to. When we figure out where things are from, we will be surprised when we figure out we are connected to more things then we thought.

Lilly Lutz Blog #10

Today in class we defined Region, Formal Region,  Functional Region and Vernacular Region. We also compared and contrasted the 3 types of regions.  Region- an area on the planet that is composed of places with a unifying characteristic Formal Region- a region whose boundaries are formally defined Functional Region - usually encompasses a central point with defined boundaries and the area around it that is connected via a well-developed network of transportation and communication system Vernacular- when places in the world share unifying characteristics, we tend to imagine these places being bound by an "imaginary border". The 4 different types of are similar because the all represent a type of region, but they all represent something different in that area.

Lilly Lutz Blog #9

Today in class we learned about The Five Themes of Geography. We defined place, location, toponym, site and situation. The five themes of Geography are location, place, human- environment interactions, movement, and region. Location- particular place or position Place- the physical and human aspects of location Toponym- the name of a place Site- the description of the features of the place Situation- the environmental conditions of the place If I was settling in 1650, I would build my town on location C because it is near the ocean, it has great farmland, and their are no sandbars or mountains getting in the way. The water is great for fishing and transportation by boat and the farmland is great for growing crops. If I was settling in 1830, I would build my town on location C because it is near the ocean and freshwater swamps. The ocean is good for fishing, but also at a great risk for sea attacks. The freshwater swamps can also be good for fishing, but there is no farmland