Lilly Lutz Blog #9

Today in class we learned about The Five Themes of Geography. We defined place, location, toponym, site and situation.

The five themes of Geography are location, place, human- environment interactions, movement, and region.

Location- particular place or position
Place- the physical and human aspects of location
Toponym- the name of a place
Site- the description of the features of the place
Situation- the environmental conditions of the place

If I was settling in 1650, I would build my town on location C because it is near the ocean, it has great farmland, and their are no sandbars or mountains getting in the way. The water is great for fishing and transportation by boat and the farmland is great for growing crops.

If I was settling in 1830, I would build my town on location C because it is near the ocean and freshwater swamps. The ocean is good for fishing, but also at a great risk for sea attacks. The freshwater swamps can also be good for fishing, but there is no farmland to grow crops so that could cause a decrease in crop production.

If I was settling in 1880, I would build my town on location C because it is located right near really good farmland and coal. The farmland is great for growing crops, which can be used is as a great food source. The coal is great for making fires and burning during the winter to keep warm and to use for stoves the run off of coal.


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