Lilly Lutz Blog #19

  1. According to Malthus, what is the general nature of all animated life? - That is the constant tendency of all animated life to increase beyond the nourishment provided for it.
  2. According to Malthus, what is the most positive check on human population growth that has existed in history?- But as, by that law of our nature which makes food necessary to the life of man, population can never actually increase beyond the lowest nourishment capable of supporting it, a strong check on population, namely, the difficulty of acquiring food, must be constantly in operation.
  3. Describe Malthus’ idea of arithmetic growth of food supply v geometric growth of human population. - Malthus argues that increased arithmetically are limited by the availability of New land. He believed population could not increase beyond the food supply.
  4. Discuss Malthus’ idea of positive and preventive checks on human population. Provide examples of both. - Positive checks increase mortality rate and decrease life expectancy. Preventative checks limit reproduction and fertility. 
  5. Was Malthus Right? Read the article and do some outside research if necessary and decide whether or not Malthus was right. - Malthus was right when he said that the population cannot exceed the food supply.


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