Lilly Lutz Blog #2

Today in class we learned about maps, how geographers describe where things are and we defined cartography, maps, absolute location and relative location. We also described two ways geographers use maps. Finally, we identified the progression of early world maps.

A map is a two-dimensional or flat-scale model of Earth's Surface, or a portion of it. Cartography is the science of mapmaking. Absolute location is described using longitude and latitude. Relative location is the portion of something bases on its surroundings.

 We also learned that maps serve two purposes. The first purpose is as a reference told to identify an objects an objects absolute and relative location. We consult maps generally to learn where something is located. The second reason is as a communications tool to convey the distribution of human activities or physical features.

Finally, we learned about the progression of early world maps. The first world map prepared by Eratosthenes (276-194 B.C.) The improvements in world maps were later made by Ptolemy. Later, advancements in cartography primarily made outside of Europe by Chinese and Islamic world. The earliest maps were reference tools and a simple navigation device to show a traveler how to get from place to place.


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